Category Archives: apps

Apple television

Hold off the alarm bells, but I believe that Apple is trying to make their way into live television apps world. Still, do not get your hopes high as we have heard all about these rumors before, and it is more than certain that we well hear and read about this in the following months, especially now that the rumor mill has stated that Apple are interested in making the living room into more than just a hobby. If you have read the Wall Street Journal, then you must be acquainted with the article which suggested that Apple has been closely inspecting the prospects of entering the world of television and that they have even contacted several possible component suppliers on the Far East, predominately China, Japan and Korea.

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Knowing that Google has been working on similar TV-box set project for the past two years, it seems to me that the competition for customer’s attention has shifted from small devices and gadgets into a battle for television viewers. Frankly, it is all happening too soon and I cannot form an inform opinion until I test the so called television application and devices, but I really hope that this will take the quality of the presented materials into a whole new level. As I am sure that I got you really intrigued, I will stop right here and let you read all about it on the Giga Om site where Erica Ogg posted her interesting article called “No Apple television yet, but Apple is testing them out”.